Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Monday!! We have finally been seeing some sunshine the past few days! My lawn dried out enough to mow it. Good thing as my dog was getting lost in the "jungle." Well, it wasn't that bad, but my mower didn't know the difference. My tomatoes have started ripening and am trying to think of things to do with them. I'd like to can them, but don't think I have enough yet.

Murphy finally had our 4th of July celebration this last Saturday. It had been rained out on the 4th. The day started at 10:00 with the parade. Not much of a turnout, but the kids that were there sure did make out like a bandit with the candy!! We were on the float for Cub Scout Pack 400 and actually won "Most Patriotic!" Great job Pack 400!!!! 

Festivities continued downtown throughout the day. We went to the peanut drop which was at noon. My son has been going to the peanut drop since he was one (he's 8 now). He loves it! Hasn't found a colored peanut yet (you win money), but has a great time. We went home after that and came back for the fireworks. An awesome show, as usual. I love being in a small town where we don't have any problems finding a spot to put our blanket, and always find friends there to visit with. Traffic leaves something to be desired afterwords, but still got home in 15 minutes.

Shifting thoughts a little, just a heads up that mortgage rates have increased a little, but still over 1% below the rates in 2002! If you've been thinking about buying a mountain property, now would be the time as we're already seeing a shift in the market. Remember I am licensed in both NC and GA!!!

Have a great week!

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